About Me

Dr. Resnick When considering reaching out for help, look for an experienced psychologist in clinical practice since 1989.

As a "Top Rated" psychologist on Healthgrades.com (the most searched healthcare provider review and rating site), the many reviews left by former patient's are the best indicators of the degree to which people have been helped by me for over 33 years of clinical practice.

I work with adults who experience a wide range of emotional, behavioral, and interpersonal challenges. Although often there are certain common reoccurring themes in the lives of many people, each individual has their own specific experiences and perceptions that are unique to them. I offer a highly interactive approach, which is what most people want when seeking psychological help. The goal is of helping you to develop tools, insight, and awareness which will help you to experience your growth and goals.  

My credentials have been approved by the National Register of Health Service Psychologists since 1994. The National Register only accepts and identifies psychologists who have met the highest educational and training requirements.

Although based in Austin, Texas, I am a Licensed Psychologist in both the States of Texas and New Jersey, and see patients on video therapy / tele-psych located all throughout both states.


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by clicking here.

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Office Hours



9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm



